SHANGHAI, CHINA, April 22, 2024—Jiangsu Bioperfectus Technologies Co., Ltd. (BioPerfectus) is thrilled to announce the acquisition of the CE marking for our newest product, the Group B Streptococcus Real Time PCR Kit. Moreover, we provide a total PCR solution for Prenatal & Neonatal Care, featuring our Automated Nucleic Acid Extraction Workstation, Real-Time PCR System, and PCR kits. This integrated solution is designed to enhance the well-being of mothers and infants by streamlining screening processes efficiently.

Bacteria called group B Streptococcus (group B strep, GBS) cause GBS disease. GBS bacteria commonly live in people’s gastrointestinal and genital tracts. It can cause serious illness in people of all ages, but especially newborns. An average of 15% of all pregnant women worldwide – nearly 20 million annually – carry the GBS bacterium in their vagina, usually without symptoms.
GBS is associated with maternal sepsis, stillbirths and preterm births, and can cause disease in immunocompromised adults and the elderly, but the highest incidence of all is in neonates and young infants up to age 3 months. The global burden of Group B streptococcus is far higher than previously recognized, linked to over half a million preterm births annually, and leading to nearly 100,000 newborn deaths, at least 46,000 stillbirths, and significant long-term disability.
The annual burden of GBS in numbers for the year 2020:
- 19,700,000 pregnant women colonized with Group B strep
- 518,000 GBS-associated preterm births
- 390,000 infant GBS cases
- 91,000 newborn deaths
- 46,000+ stillbirths
- 40,000 infants living with neurological impairment following GBS-associated infections
Professional associations have issued recommendations on how to prevent and manage Group B Streptococcus disease in newborns and provided guidance for laboratory personnel. In response to recommendations from professional health organizations, BioPerfectus launches reliable solutions for prenatal and neonatal care, including the Group B Streptococcus Real-Time PCR kit, designed to tackle the challenge of GBS bacteria. We have consistently focused on addressing health issues concerning women and children, continuously striving to innovate solutions that empower and prioritize the health of both mothers and newborns.
- https://www.who.int/news/item/02-11-2021-urgent-need-for-vaccine-to-prevent-deadly-group-b-streptococcus
- https://www.who.int/teams/immunization-vaccines-and-biologicals/diseases/group-b-streptococcus-(gbs)
- https://www.cdc.gov/groupbstrep/index.html
- https://www.cdc.gov/groupbstrep/guidelines/index.html
- https://www.cdc.gov/groupbstrep/about/prevention.html