Since 2021, Lao People's Democratic Republic (Laos) is facing an unprecedented challenge with communities and economies everywhere affected by the growing second wave COVID-19 pandemic.
According to WHO reports, there were 41 confirmed cases and 0 death in 2020. However, since March 2021 the number of confirmed cases and death cases has been raised to 8,132 and 8 respectively.

Picture 1. Cumulative confirmed cases in Laos (Updated as of 08 August 2021)
Institute Pasteur du Laos (IPL) latest sequencing results showed that, 28 delta variant cases (B.1.617.2) has already been found in Laos which took 35% of sequenced samples (80 samples in all, from 20 April to 19 July).
Majority of Delta variant samples were returnees from Thailand and Russia, while one sample was from a local case in Luangnamtha.
Since COVID-19 second wave came fiercely in Laos, it requires laboratory to enhance detection efficiency. Enhancing laboratory testing capacity is essential for efficiency, that will help to roll out positive cases timely and avoid wider dissemination.
During this urgent situation, Bioperfectus gave quick response to support Laos public health system through NGOs. By offering nucleic acid extractors —SSNP-3000A to National Center for Laboratory and Epidemiology (NCLE) which is designated as a National Influenza Center (NIC) by WHO.

Picture 2. National Center for Laboratory and Epidemiology (NCLE) in Laos
Throughput of SSNP-3000A is up to 64 samples/run, which is much favorable for standard and mid-size laboratory. With UV light lamp and HEPA filter, SSNP-3000A can help laboratory to avoid aerosol and sample contamination, which will make sure the accuracy of test results and safety of laboratory professional technicians.
According to information fromthe Resident ReportbyWHO in 2020, the magnetic bead method solution successfully helped NCLE to deal with about 500 samples per day which greatly improved the daily detection capacity as to meet routine testing demand.

Picture 3. WHO staff is using Bioperfectus extraction machine as part of the COVID-19 testing process in NCLE
Besides NCLE, Bioperfectus also provided nucleic acid extraction technical support to other important medical institutes in Laos, such as Institute Pasteur du Lao, Laos-Oxford-Mahosot Hospital, Center Infectiology Lao-Christophe Merieux (CILM), Center for Analysis and Epidemiology, Champasak Province Hospital and so on. By using high quality and reproducibility products, a total nucleic acid extraction capacity nationwide has been increased from 900-1,000 to approx. 17,000 tests per day after the internal improvement on the magnetic bead method technical platform.

Picture 4. Bioerfectus nucleic acid extraction rapid kits were packed for transportation for UNOPS project on August 10, 2021
In the face of second wave of COVID-19 pandemic in Laos, Bioperfectus is glad to offer our modest contribution to the local laboratories in the field of molecular diagnosis. At the tipping point of the fight against ever-lasting pandemic in the human history, we Bioperfectus would like to call for a new efficiency along with a clear vision for all the countries and areas around the world to unite together to fight against the COVID-19. We Bioperfectus will continue to cooperate closely with the NGOs to continue the tracking of COVID-19 variants and screening of any other high-contagious infectious diseases in the worldwide.
No one is an island in the fight against pandemic. As the old saying goes, “United we will stand, divided we will fall.”
Clickhereto learn more Bioperfectus Nucleic Acid Extraction Solution.
" WHO works with the National Centre of Laboratory and Epidemiology to strengthen COVID-19 testing capacity during this pandemic." Vientiane Capital, Resident Reporter. 10 Sep. 2020
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